Trends in climate philanthropy

Exploring the funding landscape in India (2024)

A first-of-its-kind assessment that analyses key trends in climate philanthropy in India,
and suggests how funders can embrace India’s climate mandate.

Strategic philanthropy can play a catalytic role in accelerating India’s climate progress. However, data on climate giving is fragmented and inaccessible.

To contribute towards intelligence on India’s climate philanthropy landscape, we drew on quantitative and qualitative insights from conversations with and publicly available data on 65 funders (CSR, domestic, and international) for the period 2018-2023.

Discover key insights

  • Where is funding flowing?
  • How is funding being deployed?
  • Which regions need attention?

About the India Climate Collaborative

The India Climate Collaborative (ICC), founded in 2020 by philanthropists and industry leaders, is a first-of-its kind collaborative committed to the climate ecosystem in India. It unlocks individual and corporate philanthropic capital, identifies catalytic climate priorities, and creates a connective infrastructure for impactful funding.

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